Information about DSN


Welcome to Data Storage, Networks, & Processing (DSN) laboratory at the Department of Computer Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran. The DSN laboratory was established by Dr. Hossein Asadi in 2009. DSN is internationally well-known research laboratory which aims to explore design challenges of data storage systems, storage networks, and processing platforms. The main objective of DSN is to offer innovative solutions to store and retrieve big data, to study availability and reliability models and solutions for storage systems, to investigate innovative architectures to employ emerging memory technologies to continuously enhance performance of storage systems, and to propose novel computing and processing platforms for big data.

Currently, the overall activity at the DSN lab is focused on enterprise and midrange data storage systems, storage networks, emerging non-volatile memory technologies, reconfigurable computing, high-performance disk subsystems, and operating system support for I/O and memory management. This research lab provides innovative I/O, storage, and processing solutions for high-tech corporations including HPDS.